Thursday, March 12, 2015


Experiment was carried out in 1m3:
Smoke of junipers can inhibit 66% of total microorganisms, from which fungus were killed 100% (3 tablets).

Wild nature incense made of juniper herbs
The juniper contains the substances eliminating the germs and bacteria in the air. Thus it has disinfecting effects on respiratory system.
Benefits: comes with base plate, easy to use, purifies the air, and reduces dampness in the room, uses for religious rites, for driving the negative sources away.
Ingredients:  Dried juniper, herbal stiffener
Collected and sifted from mountain and specially grinded and formed by preserving the natural attributes of the herb. 


Experiment was carried out in 1m3: Smoke of thymuses inhibits 66% of total microorganisms (3 tablets).

Wild nature incense made of thyme herbs.

The thyme contains the thymol substances in its essential oil, which soothes and restores the nerves, purifies the air and has special disinfecting effect on respiratory system. 

Benefits: comes with base plate, easy to use, purifies the air, and reduces dampness in the room, uses for religious rites, for driving the negative sources away,purifies fume and smoke

Ingredients:  wild nature thyme grass, herbal stiffener

Collected and grinded by preserving the natural attributes of the herb and formed for convenience of our customers.


Experiment was carried out in 1m3: Smoke of dungs inhibits 63% of total microorganisms, from which fungus were killed 50% and pathogenic bacteria were killed 90% (3 tablets).

The blue dung is created by forbearing 3 seasons of summer rains, withstanding the winter colds and blast whirls of the spring times, imbibing the Sun, Wind and Earth energy, is very nutritious for the soul.
Burning time 1 cone incense

 15 minutes
Benefits: comes with base plate, easy to use, purifies the air, and reduces dampness in the room, uses for religious rites, for driving the negative sources away.       
Ingredients:  Wild animal dung, herbal stiffener
Grinded and formed by preserving the natural attributes of wild nature accumulation.
Caution:  To burn till extinction on the designated plate. To be used only for burning. To store in a dry place.